Monday, January 7, 2008

Knots on the horizon

Over the past day and a half we have been looking for Red Knots at
their historic locations and at several new locations. We have been
dissapointed to see that at the location where Knots have been for the
past twenty years (and where we have observed them on previous
expeditions), we have found few Knots. There are approximately 125
Red Knots, out of a total flock of approximately 1,750 birds, the rest
being Hudsonian Godwits. Last year we observed much fewer Knots at
this site as well: approximately 2,500.

Today we are on our way across the Straits of Magellan to the site
where the rest of the Knots were found last year by an aerial survey.

Wish us, and the Knots, good luck.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck Team KNOTS!!! I hope you find many more.